Coffee :: How I get 'stuff' done

I'm in London … and I'm freezing. I am sat wearing leg warmers two tops and a cardigan. I do not do well in the cold. I'm downing cups of mint tea to try and warm myself from the inside out.

My brother is at work so coffee is out of the question.

Coffee is taken very, very seriously in Jon's apartment.

His carefully selected beans are ground and mailed to his door each month to unsure he is never without the latest trend in coffee couture.

I have no idea how to work the coffee machine. Jon has refused to teach me – I think its a subtle way of deterring my from pinching his coffee. 


It's not a big deal, as living in Dubai i'm an 'iced Americano kinda girl.' Straight up. No milk. No sugar. I like it hard core. I've also had the pleasure of trying the most expensive coffee in the world whilst in Bali. Yes, we are talking about coffee made from beans that've passed through a small 'cat like' animals intestines. Don't knock, till you've tried it. It's the s**t.

Mr Luwak ready to take your order he won't spell your name wrong on your cup #lookingatyouStarbucks.

I've been super busy since the beginning of the year so hot black coffee has proved necessary to jump start (and warm) my brain and body. I really should buy stocks in Costa...

The other way I like my coffee is in an espresso Martini. I'd experienced this cocktail numerous times, but it wasn't until a party filled week in DXB with Mr B did I become particularly enamoured to this concoction - You may remember Mr B from my Abu Dhabi Grand Prix diary. It was his 'go-to drink' when he felt our party pants were running out of steam – and it always did the trick. The coffee fix, combined with the vodka shot and sweetness of the Patron is a winning combination.

Espresso Martini Recipe

Bit of Ol' History
The Espresso Martini was invented in 80's Soho by cocktail legend Dick Bradsell. The story goes, that a delightful young lady entered his bar and requested he makes her a drink that 'wakes me up, and then f*** me up'


My favourite 'at home recipe' is as follows:

50 ml Ketel One Vodka
35 ml Cafe Patron
1 shoot of good quality espresso

Pour the Ketel One Vodka, Cafe Patron and espresso into a cocktail shaker.
Fill the Martini glass with ice and leave to chill.
Fill the cocktail shaker with ice, put lid on, and shake vigorously

Empty the ice out of the Martini glass, then place the strainer on top of the shaker and pour the 'coffee vodka goodness' into the glass.

Garnish with three coffee beans.

Welcome to heaven.
